Tuesday, January 28, 2014

With a Yo Ho Ho and a bottle of rum!

So first things first: Sorry for my long absence.
I've had love issues, personal issues, holidays and just two weeks ago starting my game dev career... Been kinda busy... Also a hell of a ride! But one that is making me so happy! So many new friends, new knowledge and so much personal growth!
Enough shitty-talk! Ok ok ok i just have another thing to say: I want to dedicate this entry to all the body of my new university, UPB, specially to my awesome teachers and all my new friends, even those i have yet to meet.
Ok, let's start already!

I love pirates, the fantasy ones, no scurvy for me, thank you. So many adventures, the adrenaline, the freedom! Being able to take what you want whenever you want! Stealing is so fun! IN FUCKING FANTASY!
I'm no white knight but piracy is a no no for me (except some cases, which ill cover later).
You might be thinking: "Why is it wrong?" "Why not?" "It's not like they lose money". So let me put an example:
You walk into a store, there are a lot of nice shirts and you just saw one that you love. You want that shirt so you take your wallet out... And as it is usual, life yells STAPH!!!!!!! No many in the wallet pal! You are broke! Not a penny!
What do you do?
a): Take the shirt and run stealing it.
b): Leave the store and return later after you earned a little money.

To continue reading and to eat this day's cookie (none today, sorry!), click "Read more" below.