Tuesday, January 28, 2014

With a Yo Ho Ho and a bottle of rum!

So first things first: Sorry for my long absence.
I've had love issues, personal issues, holidays and just two weeks ago starting my game dev career... Been kinda busy... Also a hell of a ride! But one that is making me so happy! So many new friends, new knowledge and so much personal growth!
Enough shitty-talk! Ok ok ok i just have another thing to say: I want to dedicate this entry to all the body of my new university, UPB, specially to my awesome teachers and all my new friends, even those i have yet to meet.
Ok, let's start already!

I love pirates, the fantasy ones, no scurvy for me, thank you. So many adventures, the adrenaline, the freedom! Being able to take what you want whenever you want! Stealing is so fun! IN FUCKING FANTASY!
I'm no white knight but piracy is a no no for me (except some cases, which ill cover later).
You might be thinking: "Why is it wrong?" "Why not?" "It's not like they lose money". So let me put an example:
You walk into a store, there are a lot of nice shirts and you just saw one that you love. You want that shirt so you take your wallet out... And as it is usual, life yells STAPH!!!!!!! No many in the wallet pal! You are broke! Not a penny!
What do you do?
a): Take the shirt and run stealing it.
b): Leave the store and return later after you earned a little money.

To continue reading and to eat this day's cookie (none today, sorry!), click "Read more" below.

Did you choose "b"? Then go get a cookie! It's pretty obvious right? Stealing is bad and a crime! People deserve to get paid for their job. Right? Then why would it be okay to do that with software?

The game you pirated have a lot of stuff behind:
- Years of study.
- Effort to make it, by many people usually. Games are usually made by a multidisciplinary team.
- Creativity process.
- Drawing.
- Writing.
- Math calculations.
Also a lot of costs!
You have to pay for each sprite and hour of your employees when you develop. You sacrifice family time. You have to pay for publicity, for the place where you are working on the game, food, clothes and things just keep adding up! Oh and let's not forget a lot of assholes in the forums of the company...
Don't you think they deserve the money? Usually it's not high, and will give you hours of entertainment.
"Baaaah It's not like they are going to lose money!" Well... You are not the only guy that pirates games mate... Those millions add up... And if it's an indy game it's worse! Many indy games sell 30 copies, so ONE pirated copy is felt by them...

You may also think that many companies deserve it, the game sucks, it's very buggy and also a lot of false publicity (COF Alien: Colonial Marines COF). You are PARTIALLY right.
You see... Many games come with playable demos. You can read reviews in the web and watch youtube videos. I know that you can't really know if you will like a game just by watching videos and reading reviews. Same thing as that you can't really know if you like a shirt (or if it will even fit you) unless you try it.
That's is where demos come in. Please do play them!
Now here is the exception I talked earlier. Some games do not have demos. It is the companies fault for not providing one! And it is your responsibility as a smart buyer to pirate those games FOR A SHORT WHILE, just the right time to know if you like it or not. Just like in a clothes store! You can try any shirt, you just can't walk away with it unless you pay.

Funny fact! Many countries allow you to download a ROM for an emulator to try the game, but you HAVE to delete it after a week. After that... It's theft.

Just because it's digital, doesn't mean you can steal it...

You hate DRM? You think it's unfair and invasive? Well... Piracy made the companies develop it...

Please, don't steal, please don't be a pirate (unless it's September 19 (google that if you don't know)). That game... Is someones job. That game, is someones food on the table. That game, is some child roof over his head.

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