Friday, August 9, 2013

Papers, Please game Review

- Hello sir, i am so happy this border have opened. I will get to see my son. I've haven't seen him in 6 years.
- Mhmm, lets see here... Looks like your entry visa number doesn't match your passport number. *THUMP* DENIED
- This must be a mistake, please let me in!
- Where is your entry permit?
- Please, i beg you! They wouldn't give me one, if i don't enter they will kill me back in Antegria!!!!
- Tough luck ma'am. *THUMP* DENIED

Indeed, glory it shall have!
Papers, Please is a game about immigration, a dystopian thriller. And it sure does deliver that feel.
Gray and cold colors make up a beautiful sad and oppressive feel. This game really makes you believe you are an immigration inspector.
Let's divide this review so it easier to navigate, read and for me write:

Graphics: The graphics are GOLDEN, the game coloring is just right for the atmosphere and the art is terrific, it looks like a golden age DOS and NES game, it reminds me of Where in the world is Carmen Sandiego? and Where in time is Carmen Sandiego? not much but it just feels like it to me for some reason, do you remember Carmen?

The atmosphere is moody, and the animation is smooth and good, from the little sprites of pixel people to deny entry to the animation of the shadows entering the cabin of the immigration inspection.

To continue reading and to eat this day's cookie, click "Read more" below.

Gameplay: The controls are easy to use, you move your mouse and you click, end of story. But in some ways it's like Amnesia: The dark decent because you can move everything with your mouse, and you use that mouse to do everything. The gameplay can get repetitive, BUT HEY! IT IS a repetitive job.
However the devs made a good work making it diverse with moral decisions like the ones starting the post, and with a story (we will get to that later). There are two game modes: Story and Endless. In story mode you won't only have to make sure you don't let terrorists into your country, but also make sure your family wont starve or your sick son dies of his sickness and that you pay your bills. Aaaaand... IT HAVE 20 FUCKING ENDINGS! Or so i read somewhere, i didn't play the story more than once.

Story: The story isn't actually so great, your name was pulled in the October labor lottery, you move to your new job in the border with your family, you have to take care of them and your job, you work and you pay the bills, that's it. However that is life, and the story is made great with mini-stories from the immigrants each game day. This woman is a slave and ask you for help, this one haven't seen her son in 6 years, this guy is a terrorist etc. And all those decisions have repercussions, you let in the wrong person and you could be arrested for associating with suspicious groups, or if a terrorist jumps the border and throw a grenade you will see that in the next day's newspaper.

Sound: The music immerses you in the game, in it's world, in it's atmosphere when you start, it isa a pitty it doesn't last beyond the menus. The FX are great, just to hear that *THUMP* when you deny or allow entry feels you with a sense of power muahahahaha

SCORE: 7/10 - Good
I wanted to give it a score of 8 and make it to "Great" but the music keeps the game from being a masterpiece since it's only present in the menus however it does contributes to the atmosphere of the game (gray). It also can can become quite repetitive after some time, but hey, as I already said, that adds to the atmosphere! This isn't precisely the most adventurous of jobs! However with that cheap price ($9,99 USD) you can't go wrong with this one!

Click here to download the free beta! The game is already out and completed. Buy it if you like it and play the story and support indie devs! The full paid version is available in steam, and Also please check the dev site here, it have 2 free games there with their source code. HAVE FUN!

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