Monday, July 29, 2013

DOS Gaming yesterday and today

Lets start with some history, shall we?
It all started in the golden age of videogames. Games started to be developed for home computers, and distributed in floppy disks, plastic bags and ROM cartridges. The one and only Richard Garriott distributed some copies of Akalabeth in plastic bags before it was published (Richard Garriott is Lord British in case you didn't know).

Sooooo, games started to be made aviable to pc owners and it led to pure EPICNESS.

Games like Zork (Text adventures), King's Quest, Karateka, Prince of Persia (No neat acrobatics), Rogue (Started a genre of it's own, pure epicness), The Bard's Tale, Golden Axe, Dragon's Lair, DOOM series, Ultima, TES 1 and 2 were released and became part of popular culture (at least some).

Thanks to this times surge of technological advances, developers were able not only to create games that were fun because of themselves, but to create whole worlds, full of lore, story and literary content. A fine example of this is my favorite game of all time, the epic, the only: DAGGERFALL.
Now developers were not limited to tell the game's story in the instruction manual, they could tell the story with videos, cut-scenes, in-game books, character monologues. This was the real start (For me) of the golden age of gaming. I cant count the hours I passed wandering the gigantic world of Daggerfall, the hours spent pillaging ships in Pirates!, the fun i had with Ultima, and let's not forget: Master of Orion.
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Sunday, July 28, 2013

The golden age

The golden years. Who can possibly deny that the late 70's and mid 80's had the most addictive videogames?
Yes yes, maybe they didn't had the nice graphics and model that engines like Source can give, they didn't have physic engines like havoc (Come on! They didn't had any physics!), but they were FUN. And i am talking of FUN like (Sometimes and if you weren't good ok?) the FUN of Dwarf Fortress.
They were just plain fun, i remember (Yeah I'm from the 90' but my favorite arcade had games new and old) spending hours playing Galaga, Pac-man, space invaders (my second favorite arcade game), mario (8-bit) and my favorite at that time: FROGGER.

Why is it called the golden age? Well, as i said games were FUUUUUN, but it is really called like that because it was the time when video games got really popular. Before the golden age, some people preffered playing pinball than any arcade game, also it introduced concepts and technology that were not used in videogames before. Like for example the risk-reward concept introduced by Galaxian.

The golden years saw arcade machines and video games for sale in many places looking for extra cash, you could see the games in restaurants, super markets, and even FUCKING FUNERAL HOMES!
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Friday, July 26, 2013

What's a 16-bit coffee?

It's my special blend of coffee.
This cup is made of old school beans, sweetened by reviews, videos and knowledge.
The bitter taste is because of the random ranting, the advice and other things you will enjoy a lot.
And most importantly... It is made with love.

You wont find this blend nowhere else, so you may as well drink it up while it is still hot!